I recently read a of comment on my last post... for one, I am not on a suicide watch and I have no plans what so ever of ending this life anytime soon... two...who are you? and three, WTF?
I have lots to be thankful for, Yes your right, but I have alot of crap in my life too, and this blog is a venting place, don't like what I write, To bad....:p
Life moves on and the emotions are the rollercoaster of life, For the most part I really enjoy my life, However the last few years have thrown me for a total loop, and I find myself in unknown emotional territory, with the birth of my daughter and then with the loss of my mother at the age of 48 to Horrific liver cancer, I think I am allowed to be a little sad every once in awhile...So to those who didn't like my post....kiss my fine Canadian Ass...thank you very much....
Now on to the happenings of my life...We recently went on a family Vacation with 15 family members, to Mexico...We had a great time, it was amazing to see my daughter take in everything around her. I doubt she will remember this, but I sure will. Her curiosity and love of people warmed the hearts of all the people she said Hi to.
She loved the Gulf of Mexico and the pool, and if she could she would just love to dive in on her own. No fear in this child. She loved the sand, and buckets and shovels taht we gave her, she was loving it all. At the end of everyday she would go to sleep so easy, she was just beat at the end of everyday. Since coming home she still goes to be so easy...This is a positive trend.
Her mommy and daddy really like it very much!! Tom and I enjoyed our time in Mexico very much. although the beds were horrible and pillows were worse, but the resort was beautiful, and the company was good too...and the drinks were fabulous!! I was ready for my own bed, but I could lap up the tropics for much longer!
I love the tropics, there is nothing like it. The sounds of the sea, and fish that would come right up and nibble on your heels, totally amazing. However I could have done with less pregnant women to look at...perhaps we sat in a NOT so good location to avoid seeing them, at the kiddy pool. My sister inlaw is pregger and they were there, and it nearly kills me, but I deal with it, and try my best to stay positive, as this is a great joy for them as well....back to Mexico...There were weddings all over the place, makes me wish that I had eloped...or got married in the tropics...This resort was very nice, and the food was good too, most of the time. The kids I think really enjoyed it and fun was had by all. It was Fabuloso!!
We had it all planned out to try to make a Mexico baby, however this did not happen, and so back to the grind of things once again now that we are home.
My Grandmother and my dad came for a visit 2 days after we got back, for a week. Kind of dawned on me that each time I see my grandmother it could be the last. Hard to take, as life does move on, and I wanted to take every advantage to spend time with her, but I was sick with an intestinal bug all week...I felt like CRAP! I was so tired all the time, and my gutts hurt so bad, and the constant rumblings and runs to the can....sucked. Oh well, we did play some rummy!!
I always like having my dad around, he seems to entertian himself and figure it out.
I am on a journey to loose some serious wieght to help with the getting pregnant adventure, and so is Tom, this is a HUGE deal for me as everyday it is a struggle for me to stay focused on that, instead of being focused on baby #2 making. I want it as more pregnancy's are becoming known.
It is a Battle.
But Keeping on Marching...Hup 2, 3, 4.
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