Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring in the Air

I found myself complaining about the LONG>>>>DRAWN>>>>>>OUT>>>>>WINTER>>> and wanting Spring to spring into action and I started to think about all the Bulbs that are in the ground waiting to poke through. Now to be honest, there are alot more flowers on the rise here in Ontario then Calgary but anyway....back to where I was. Spring. This past few months of cold, winter, yuck; we have have gone dormant, sleeping perhaps. But Spring is coming, it is technically here. Spring is the season of new things, new idea's, just things new.

The sun is rising higher, and the wind is warmer, and the ground is taking off the garment of white, and the cape of green is emerging as the new spring line comes out. I am ready for spring, in more then one way. One is, yes, to rid ourselves of winter for yet another year, and embrace the colors of spring the other is to be made new inside. Through Christ, we are made new. Now I have been a Christian for a long time, and I made that commitment. But I am like the Bulb in the ground. Over the last few months, I have been waiting for the Warmth of the Son to warm this broken heart again. My heart is still aching and I don't think that will ever stop, but what I do know is that, I want grow new shoots and be the vibrant gift that God intended his Children to be.

It is Easter and it is the most important Holiday of the year for a Christian. This is what our very faith is based on. Christ died to so that we may never perish, but have the eternal life. It is what helps to keep me going, knowing that My mom, although gone from this life is still living the heaven's; without cancer!! I choose to be made new, and I will be reminded of this as the bulbs push out of the ground and flower.

God's Blessings!



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