Thursday, February 25, 2010

18 weeks

Well we are into the 19th week now, totally incrediable the changes that have happened to baby, and to me. See the baby move away from us during the ultrasound, and seeing the baby's heart beating away is truly breath taking. I find I am more emotional now, about being pregnant. It could very well be my hormones but every week that passes it gets more and more exciting, and we seem to relax a little bit more every week too!

Tom and I recently went down to Florida for a week, and while there I ended up with a very bad cold, we both did actually, and that cold did result in some spotting and other lovely things that happened. However, baby seems to be just fine, and our cold is going away.

I recently realized that I have not journalled to much during this pregnancy. Perhaps because the first 16 weeks I felt much like hibernating and waking up when the morningsickness had gone away. Now that I am feeling much better, I still have my queasy moments, but for the most part I am feeling some what normal again. Now I am experiencing the baby moving, and stress incontentence from coughing and sneezing...that is a whole other story, but that seems to be getting much better to, as baby is rising outwards away from my bladder.

I really have a hard time expressing exactly what I am feeling. It is so strange because for so long I wrote about faith, and dealing with hardships, and now I have growing inside my uterus, the one thing that we have prayed for daily. I am not sure what to say, I am so grateful to my Heavenly father, and I am so excited to meet this little one that He knit together in my womb. Just truly, truly amazing. My parents as well as Tom's parents are getting excited too. My mom told me today that she held a baby that was a week old and she said she can't wait till she gets to hold our little one. This being pregnant thing is hard work, and not always pleasent, but it is truly rewarding to see the joy on our faces and on the faces of those around us...Keep the prayers coming!!


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