Tuesday, February 9, 2010

16 weeks

Yesterday I went for another Dr. appointment, and I got to hear the heart again, and this time the baby's heart rate was 152 bpm. We started to get more baby things, we ordered the crib, and mattress, we also got a crib bedding set, we have a few sleepers and a teddy bear, for our baby. This week I have started to feel the baby moving around. I really want to treasure these few months, because they are truly a blessing, and we really feel that God has answered our prayers.

Tom is jealous that he can't feel the baby yet, but that will come soon enough. In the mean time I continue to Grow, and so does baby. Baby is sitting somewhere between 16-17 weeks in my belly, I guess there is a certain height that the uterus reaches at various weeks, so our baby is growing well, right where it should be.

I am still wearing my normal jeans, but they don't go above the baby anymore, they have sit below the baby, but maternity pants are just a little big yet, the elastic part anyway.

2 weeks till the ultrasound we are both very excited to have that experience. Again this time, our baby should look like a baby, with a top and a bottom!

Keep the prayers rolling!


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