Friday, April 23, 2010

The Newest Addition!

Well to say the least it has been one of those interesting weeks, that kinda made us feel like we were hanging on a wire. Just over a week ago, we had another foal born on April 13th at 3:30am to Top Time Jessica. But by 7:30pm that night, Jessica had tried to roll over and twisted her gut, she was put down very shortly after that by a local vet. She left us with a beautiful little foal to raise. Jesse's Finest now requires feeding every 4 hours, and has had lots of health issues due to the fact that no matter how good, milk replacer or goats milk is, it is just not mom. But over all considering what the poor little guy has been through is doing remarkably well. We are in the search to find him either another orphaned foal or a pony to help keep him company. He is hopefully going to be a race horse, with that in mind it is very important that he learn a competative nature this way it will push him on the track later in life. Right now we are just trying to get him over the shits, and get his bowels functioning at a normal pace.
In other news the Pregnancy is going well, and we are finding ourselves closer and closer to our due date. Baby is growing well, although my amniotic fluid levels are still on the low end of normal, so they are keeping a really close watch over me and baby. We went for our 5th Ultrasound this week and finally got a picture of the profile of our babies face. This is the first time that we actually got a glispe of our babies features. We still do not know what it is by choice, and we won't until baby arrives sometime in July. We are now 26 weeks and counting!!
We still are in need of lots of baby things yet, and it is trickling in slowly. The Nursery is set up and waiting for baby. We still need to get a car seat and Stroller, I would love to get a baby swing, and little bouncy chair. I don't have any receiving blankets yet, but I am sure that will come. I have new born diapers that I received from a friend, and they are so small and smell amazing...ok, so that may be a little wierd, but I love the smell of diapers. It used to drive me nuts to walk into a Walmart and walk past the baby diapers and smell them because it reminded me that I didn't have the baby I so deperatally wanted, but Now I Breathe in Deep and Say, God is Good!


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